Hi. I just made a post on one of the forums asking if I was unscouted, but I feel a bit stupid for posting it, since I realised I probably was about a minute after doing so, and I already decided I want to quit before even getting a reply.
I just don't want to be on Newgrounds anymore, at least not for a while. I'm too busy to frequently upload, and most of my main projects are so big that I'm still not done with them. And whenever I do upload, I end up just feeling nothing but discouraged over and over and over again. This isn't just on Newgrounds, it's honestly everywhere I bother to put my work. I'm too exhausted to keep trying.
Am I overreacting? Probably, but that just gives me more reason to leave. I try to make it non-obvious around here, but I genuinely am a stupid sensitive person, and I don't wanna be around when my skin is this thin.
I might come back, I might not. Either way, I'm sorry.
Properly written update: I'm briefly returning just to post new stuff I've made, because completely disappearing from the internet has been making me feel bad. I wouldn't be surprised if I end up uploading in short bursts and then disappear for months, again, because I can already see that happening.